Home » February 28 - Open day for foreign applicants
February 28 - Open day for foreign applicants
Виктория Печковская
February 28 — Virtual Open Day for International Students at Lomonosov Moscow State University;
On the website you will find out about the admission and application procedures for international students at MSU. On February 28, 2021 you will be able to attend a lecture by the Rector of Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy about the history and traditions, present and future of Moscow State University and listen to the Deans’ addresses.
You can ask all your questions about the specifics of admissions and studying in educational programs in various faculties. Moreover, you can take a virtual tour of the MSU campus.
Agenda of MSU Virtual Open Day:
12:00 - 12:45 — Welcome address by the Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy;
12:45 - 13:00 — Info session about admission and application procedures for international students in 2021;
13:00 - 16:00 — Program sessions (presentations of Master's programs taught in English, research and career prospects of students and graduates, details on the format and features of the entrance examinations, Q&A sessions);
12:00 – 16:00 — Live chat with MSU staff.
As part of the Open Day, we will hold 2 conferences: Russian and Chinease. You can ask questions on admission, about the details of the implementation of programs at the Higher School of Management and Innovation in Russian and Chinese in person, by connecting to a video conference in the zoom system:
1. Videoconference "Open Day of the Moscow State University of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Management and Innovation for Bachelor's and Master's Degree Applicants" in Russian
Dean Viktoria Pechkovskaya and Deputy Dean Oleg Anatolyevich Kosorukov tell and answer questions.
2. Videoconference "Open Day of the Moscow State University of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Management and Innovation for Bachelor's and Master's Degree Applicants" in Chinese
The deputy dean for educational and methodological work Maxim Anatolyevich Kuprichev and head of the international department Pechkovskaya Elizaveta Mikhailovna as well as students and graduates from the PRC, tell and answer questions.
February 28 — Virtual Open Day for International Students at Lomonosov Moscow State University;
On the website you will find out about the admission and application procedures for international students at MSU. On February 28, 2021 you will be able to attend a lecture by the Rector of Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy about the history and traditions, present and future of Moscow State University and listen to the Deans’ addresses.
You can ask all your questions about the specifics of admissions and studying in educational programs in various faculties. Moreover, you can take a virtual tour of the MSU campus.
Agenda of MSU Virtual Open Day:
12:00 - 12:45 — Welcome address by the Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy;
12:45 - 13:00 — Info session about admission and application procedures for international students in 2021;
13:00 - 16:00 — Program sessions (presentations of Master's programs taught in English, research and career prospects of students and graduates, details on the format and features of the entrance examinations, Q&A sessions);
12:00 – 16:00 — Live chat with MSU staff.
As part of the Open Day, we will hold 2 conferences: Russian and Chinease. You can ask questions on admission, about the details of the implementation of programs at the Higher School of Management and Innovation in Russian and Chinese in person, by connecting to a video conference in the zoom system:
1. Videoconference "Open Day of the Moscow State University of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Management and Innovation for Bachelor's and Master's Degree Applicants" in Russian
Dean Viktoria Pechkovskaya and Deputy Dean Oleg Anatolyevich Kosorukov tell and answer questions.
Broadcast link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/4628213248?pwd=cXFjOVNYWVFoQk1qS25mS21KUVF0dz09
2. Videoconference "Open Day of the Moscow State University of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Management and Innovation for Bachelor's and Master's Degree Applicants" in Chinese
The deputy dean for educational and methodological work Maxim Anatolyevich Kuprichev and head of the international department Pechkovskaya Elizaveta Mikhailovna as well as students and graduates from the PRC, tell and answer questions.
Broadcast link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/3823016310?pwd=QWVyVEc1cm9uWTNqTkwrYTdPWlRrdz09
Register now on the website, and see you on our Open Day!