
ATTENTION to applicants of MBA program in China!

The Graduate School of Management and Innovation (Faculty) of Lomonosov Moscow State University informs that Faculty does not cooperate and does not implement joint programs with the organization “NIU AIDI INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD, (NEW IDEA)”.

two weeks left to participate in the qualifying round of the Lomonosov Universiade in Innovation

The Graduate School of Management and Innovation (Faculty) of Moscow State University organizes the Universiade 'Lomonosov-2023' in Innovation.
Registration on the Universiade page:

Virtual Open Day for International Students, November 20

November 20 — Virtual Open Day for International Students at Lomonosov Moscow State University;

On the website you will find out about the admission and application procedures for international students at MSU. On November 20, 2022 you will be able to attend a lecture by the Rector of Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy.


Agenda of MSU Virtual Open Day:

February 28 - Open day for foreign applicants

February 28 — Virtual Open Day for International Students at Lomonosov Moscow State University;

On the website you will find out about the admission and application procedures for international students at MSU. On February 28, 2021 you will be able to attend a lecture by the Rector of Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy about the history and traditions, present and future of Moscow State University and listen to the Deans’ addresses.

On November 8, the Open Day of the MSU

On November 8, 2020, the Open Day of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Management and Innovation of Moscow State University will be held online.

III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Economics and Management: Methods and Technologies": registration of participants and submission of the reports is open

The New Year is coming, we began to prepare for three mega events of the Graduate School of Management and Innovation which will be held in the first half of 2018. Today we present one of them.


Dean - Pechkovskaya Victoria Viktorovna

The Graduate School of Management and Innovation (Faculty) of Moscow State University founded in 2006 at the initiative of Moscow State University and AFK Sistema in response to the challenges that modern companies faced with, specifically regarding the development of new technologies and the transition to the digital economy.

The main task of the Faculty is to prepare highly qualified competitive leaders, entrepreneurs and specialists of the next generation, taking into account modern requirements of the labor market.

The main principle of training at the Faculty is the interdisciplinarity and practical orientation of knowledge and skills. A modern leader should equally possess both managerial knowledge and new technologies based on the fundamental knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and foreign languages. Our graduates are able to manage successfully a team consisting of both physicists and lyricists, to achieve their goals.

The faculty is training specialists in undergraduate, graduate, professional retraining, MBA and short-term continuing education programs.

Active teaching methods (cases, business games) and multimedia technologies, including “class on a tablet” based on the use of neural networks, are widely used in the educational process of Faculty.

The program devotes considerable time to language training, mastering business English and basic Chinese, including lessons with native speakers.

Particular attention is paid to the content and bases of practices in order to bring the learner's knowledge and skills as close as possible to the requirements of his or her future work, and the innovative entrepreneur to the successful development of the business in the competitive environment of the digital economy.



The integrated undergraduate program "Digital Economy Technologies and the Management of Innovative Projects" in the education direction 27.03.05 "Innovation" (Management in Technical Systems).

Faculty created this unique inter-faculty program in conjunction with the Chemical, Physical, Biological Faculties, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics and the Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University.

The goal of the program is to train highly qualified specialists (designers, technologists, production organizers, managers of science-intensive and innovative projects) for the innovative development of businesses, industries, territories. Full-time form of education. Duration of study - 4 years.

In the process of training, students study a whole range of engineering subjects, information technologies, the managerial-economic and financial unit, modern technologies of the digital economy, digital- and marketing, innovation project management. At the same time, they study 2 foreign languages (English and Chinese). The ability to communicate with native Chinese speakers makes learning more successful.

Students begin to apply their knowledge after the first course during training practice. Later they go through industrial and undergraduate practice.

Entrance tests for foreign applicants: Russian language exam, math exam.

Upon completion of training, those who successfully pass state certification will receive a diploma of the Moscow State University (state standard) with a degree of "Bachelor".


Faculty realizes two Master programs: “Innovative Business Management” and “Innovative Entrepreneurship” (Training Direction “Management in Technical Systems”).

The Graduate School of Management and Innovation implemented this inter-faculty`s programs with the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of MSU.

The goal of the program is to prepare successful entrepreneurs with a full set of necessary competencies that can create a global high-tech business from scratch and bring sustainable development to a level or manage innovative projects in corporations.

Form of study - full-time, part-time. Duration of study: full-time - 2 years, part-time - 2.5 years. Entrance test - exam (essay) on innovation (management).

Upon completion of training, successfully passed the state certification will receive a diploma of Moscow State University (state standard) with a degree of "Master".


MBA "Corporate Innovation Management" - a professional retraining program with the assignment of additional qualifications MBA (Master of Business Administration).

The purpose of the Program is to prepare managers who are able to organize the selection process and implement innovative projects, as well as possessing knowledge and competencies that allow them to manage independent innovative companies and startups, as well as structural units (R&D and Engineering Centers) of large corporations, as well as other units, specializing in corporate innovations and implementing innovative projects.

The faculty implements more than 30 short-term continuing education programs in accordance with the developed programs or developed directly at the request of a specific corporate customer.